EM-5, Fashion, Portrait


EM-5, 75mm, f1.8, ISO 4000, 1/50s

I love this shot this much and it was taken more or less by accident on new year’s eve. Anja and I were at my parent’s house for dinner and it was farily dark so I had to pump up the ISO on my EM-5 to get a sufficient shutter speed. ISO 4000 it is for this shot and the result is simply stunning. The clarity, detail and sharpness is amazing for this sensitivity and the image the 75mm lens renders is just beautiful.

I love Anja’s pose as well. It’s not very easy to have Anja sitting patiently for a shot and she always like to pull faces 😀 but this one is just outstanding. Thank you honey for letting me take this shot.

– Hendrik
